Saturday, March 18, 2017

Cooking is my favorite

Assalamualaikum guys. I want to tell you a little about the skills that I have. No, actually not skill, but more favorite only :D

well, now I'll tell you a little about my favorite in cooking. Cooking is a must for women, why? Because the woman is future wife to husband and children. That is why women should be able to cook, in order to revive her husband and children. heheh
Okay, cooking is my favorite time of high school. Cooking for me is very pleasant. Although some people say the cooking was not pleasant, because dealing with a stove, cooking utensils, and certainly her cooking is very troublesome and discolor the kitchen alone. But for lovers of cooking it is a natural thing, and even got used to things related to cooking. Time of my old high school very often cooks at home, even though I cook is not cooking restaurant. I'm trying to cook a very simple meal beforehand. Try the little things as a beginner. Time high school I had dreams of becoming a chef, because of my love of cooking. Try to imagine it has a restaurant and become a chef therein. It's nice to think I was. For now I am still trying to learn to cook again, so that later can become a chef reliable. Aamiin
My passions in cooking I have not applied anywhere, I just cook at home usually. And sometimes I'm not in the mood to cook. Cooking just my activities at home and also just helping the mother at home.
For now, I'd like to improve my cooking. In syaa Allah, one day I would become a reliable and well-known chef. Aamiin.

Enough until here and thank you :)  "this is just a story that is not really a special skill that I have". heheh

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